Rachel Cruickshank is founder and creator of The SOMA Method, a multi-dimensional practice of movement, mindset and meditation to unlock your truest nature and essence of being. Qualified yoga teacher (somatics, yin, elemental mandala, ashtanga, rocket), nutritionist and reiki healer, Rachel wanted to combine all her skills to support the whole being in a holistic way, this is where The SOMA Method was created from. 

Join Rachel Cruickshank, founder of the Ground-Breaking SOMA Method, co-facilitated by Jenny Roche for this 7-day intensive somatic coaching accreditation in which you leave as a fully accredited Somatic Coach.


This training will teach you the foundations of an embodied and integrated somatic coaching practice - including somatic presencing, coaching fundamentals, and supporting a client in a heart centred journey of self-discovery.


We will be led by the key principles of Curiosity, Consciousness, Compassion, Commitment


The SOMA Method is a multidimensional method of meditation, movement, and mindset that views the body as the portal to unlock the aliveness of our soul.  


There will be full access to an online portal to support you in your journey both before and after the program of study. 


In addition, there is 1:1 Mentorship sessions with Rachel to support your journey as part of the program of study. 


This is a conversion for space-holders, teachers and/or someone with a regular movement practice wanting to transform their current business and offerings. 

7 Day - 100hr Foundation Somatic Coaching Certification ACCPH



(with a deposit of £150 to secure your place)


  • 9th - 15th September