One of very few 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training UK courses underpinned by the philosophy of Tantra, somatics and embodiment.

This teacher training is for students looking to develop their understanding of their yoga practice and continue their spiritual journey. This 200hr training will provide you with the tools, skills and knowledge to be an authentic yoga teacher, or simply deepen your own spiritual journey.

The aim of the syllabus is to cover all aspects of yoga philosophy, focusing on the Tantrik principle of embodied states of being,  and the introduction of applied embodied and somatic anatomy. In addition, there will be exploration of the subtleties of the practice to include the energetic body, chakras, pranayama and meditation.

200hr Foundational Yoga Teacher Training - Tantra 



(with a deposit of £250 to secure your place)


  • February 24th - March 2nd 2025 (full week immersion)

  • March 15th-16th & 29th-30th 2025

  • April 12th-13th & 26th-27th 2025